Data Protection

Civil Weddings is committed to ensuring all relevant personal data it holds regarding its customers (i.e., individuals) is processed and protected by Data Protection legislation and shall take all reasonable steps to do so by this Policy.

Data Protection covers manual records, including paper, microfilm, and other media processed on different kinds of information technology.

To achieve this, Civil Weddings shall comply with the Data Protection Principles in the Data Protection Act 1998 and any future amendments to the Act.

1.1 The Principles

Civil Weddings will, as much as possible, ensure that all data is: –

        1. Processed fairly and lawfully
        2. Obtained for specified purposes and only processed for those purposes
        3. Adequate, relevant, and not excessive
        4. Accurate and up to date
        5. Not kept for longer than necessary
        6. Processed by the data subject’s rights
        7. Kept secure
        8. Not transferred to other countries without adequate protection

1.2 Processing of Personal Data

Any information which falls under the definition of personal data will be kept and remain confidential and will only be disclosed within Civil Weddings to the extent necessary for the proper processing of that data for the purpose for which it was acquired.

It may be necessary to disclose personal data to third parties acting as legal, financial, or other professional advisors or agents acting on behalf of Civil Weddings to process that data. Personal data will not be disclosed to third parties without the customer’s agreement.

1.3 Rights of Access to Information

Customers have a right of access to information held about them by Civil Weddings. Any customer wishing to access their personal data should make a request in writing by using our contact form.

Civil Weddings will endeavour to respond to any such written requests as soon as is reasonably practicable and, in any event, within 40 days for access to records and within 21 days provide a reply to an “access to information” request.

Please note if the information requested discloses personal data relating to another 3rd party, it may not be possible to allow access to this information.

1.4 Exemptions

Some data is exempted from the provisions of the Data Protection Act. These include the following:

        1. The prevention or detection of crime
        2. Where the processing is necessary to exercise a right or obligation conferred or imposed by law
        3. Employment and other references given by Civil Weddings

1.5 Accuracy

Civil Weddings will try to ensure that all personal data retained about customers is accurate. Customers must notify Civil Weddings of any changes to information held about them and have the right to request that inaccurate information about them be erased.

1.6 Information Security

No personal data can be disclosed without authorisation from the customer.

All Civil Weddings computers and USB storage devices will be password-protected.

All information kept in paper form will be retained in files in secure cabinets and will be shredded when no longer required.

Back-up copies of information stored on computers will be made on a regular basis and filed in a secure place.

Personal data will only be kept for as long as necessary, and all data will be safely and securely destroyed as soon as it is no longer needed.