About Us

Civil Weddings is an independent celebrant service based in Maldon, Essex, creating ceremonies for all occasions, weddings and civil partnership celebrations, commitments, naming, and renewal of vows. Civil Weddings aims to compose custom unions that exude a happy and relaxed atmosphere while keeping heartfelt emotion in focus, balancing the formal aspects with the deeply personal.

Civil Weddings aims to provide you with a unique experience that all who attend can cherish for a lifetime. We believe the role of a celebrant is to conduct the ceremony in a thoroughly happy and relaxed atmosphere but with dignity and meaning and strive to balance between the formal and personal aspects of the ceremony. Your ceremony is a special occasion you share with family and friends to cherish and talk about.

Civil Weddings serves couples throughout Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, and Cambridgeshire and are happy to perform a ceremony anytime, anywhere, from private gardens to lavish lake-side settings.

If you choose to get married abroad, Civil Weddings can help you share your wedding celebration with family and friends when you return. Civil Weddings can also incorporate any religious or symbolic elements that have special meaning to you into the ceremony.

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