Naming Ceremony

Today, many parents do not feel religious despite being christened themselves. Many no longer attend church and consider a Baptism or Christening as inappropriate.
Choosing a child’s name is a very personal thing. It marks their individuality and uniqueness as a person and of belonging in our family and the community.
A Naming ceremony provides the perfect alternative means to welcome new-born children, stepchildren or adopted children into the family, whatever their ages.
The ceremony does not hold any legal status, which means you can celebrate the occasion when and wherever you like. The format of your ceremony is limited only by your imagination.
It is a celebratory occasion for families, friends, and communities to come together and make personal commitments. To uphold the well-being, the dreams, the welfare, and the responsibility of shaping your children into well-rounded individuals. Children who develop the confidence to become self-reliant and independent play some worthy part in making life more pleasant for those whose paths they cross.
We will work closely with you to create and conduct a unique and meaningful ceremony to celebrate the way you want to, making the day a truly memorable occasion.